Friday, January 26, 2007

Bad broadband service can be a nuisance

I am very annoyed right now. I have spent a good part of this evening trying to connect to the internet. The signal keeps getting lost and this is supposed to be broadband! Heavens, even Telstra provided better broadband!
So today is Australia Day and I suspect fireworks are going off somewhere now. I remember the beautiful fireworks over the Swan River. Absolutely spectacular. Was is by LotteryWest? I can't recall but the Gold Coast fireworks can't ever hold a candle to what you get in Perth.
It's rainy today. I slept for a long time this afternoon and it was nice to wake up to the rain. Do you guys like the rain? All I need now are a warm throw and some chocolate. Yum...
I finished reading "Mercy" during the week. I didn't like the ending. If you know me well enough, you'd know why. I'm reading the Harry Potter series again now. I borrowed the ones I didn't have from my nephews. I like those books. Every time I read a Harry Potter book, I think of one of my best mates from uni. He's the funniest guy I know. He used to do this thing to make me smile; he'd pretend to be a teddy bear in a microwave oven. Okay, before you start thinking I'm some kind of lunatic who thinks teddys in ovens are funny, it was the way he spoke that make me crack up. He would do this little teddy bear voice (well, just pretend you know what they sound like) and it never failed to make me smile. I know he'll be enjoying himself at the fireworks. Oh, wait I'm going all over the place. He likes Harry Potter too and when I went for the first screening of the latest movie outside the States, he tried to put a hex on me. Oh well, he tried. It didn't work! I still watched the movie.
Do you know that I like to go for movies by myself? I think I'll go see Borat next week. I mean, if I wait and wait for someone to go with me, I'll be older than I already am. :)
And talking about being older, I'm less than a month away from my birthday. Not that I'm looking forward to it. I'll be missing Cass a lot. She came two years ago to see me for my birthday and last year, she was my only friend who actually posted me a birthday present. I mean, I got lots of smses and stuff but it's entirely different to get a present in the post. You know, I tried to call her on her birthday. The whole world was celebrating Christmas that day but it was Cass' birthday to me. I didn't know she was already gone by then. I miss my friend a lot.

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