Sunday, December 31, 2006

Last day of the year

I haven't been writing for many days because I've not been well. I am feeling a little better today and I had a small glass of wine. That was nice. My parents and I decided to bring in the new year a little earlier in the day.
I watched the news yesterday but it was purely by accident that I switched on the telly. You see, I usually spend some time in the morning reading the papers but the papers these days have got nothing really interesting in them. So after breakfast, I switched on the telly, looking forward to a lazy day to be spent resting on the couch. And there was Larry King saying that the hanging was going to take place soon. I don't know. I didn't feel any sadness at his passing. Say what you want about the trial, but at the end of the day it wasn't a saint who went to the gallows. I think if you live and breathe violence, you don't get a pretty end. I just hope that peace will one day come to that land. It was the cradle of civilisation at one time. You know, not everyone is given that much power to exercise over so many people. He could have done good with it if he had chosen. He blew it big time.
I'm going to watch 'Borat' with a mate when I get better. I am looking forward to that so much. I've seen the shots and I think they're hysterically funny.
Oh, my good friend sent me an sms last night saying that she needed to go on friendly dates and to set her up with eligible men I know. She also said to play down the desperate element. I thought it was so cute that I sent it out to all my friends. One friend smsed back almost immediately with two guys in mind. One seems too shy and the other too young. But then, should I be fussy? I do like someone but he lives far, far away. He's cute. Real cute. We've been friends for some years. But nothing more. Oh well, he is far, far away.
My mum made this fabulous curry today and I think I'm going to have more of it in a bit. Maybe there are good things to look forward to in the new year after all. Like getting off this stupid medication that's causing all my pains, for starters...
Oh, I've set up my poetry blog. but I've only put in one poem as yet. I'll put in more later. Okay, I'll sign off now. I hope you have a brilliant new year and take care of yourself.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The mind is not an organ

I'm feeling like I've just been run over by a truck. My head is hurting terribly and my eyes are runny. Or should my nose be runny? Well, you get the picture. I'm not feeling well and that's just fine because it fits perfectly with my mood.
I don't particularly enjoy the end-of-the-year festivities. In fact, I dread them. I hate parties that take place especially on New Year's Eve. I don't understand why people feel the need to wish one another "Happy New Year". With the way the world is going, what is there really to be so happy about a new year? More pollution? More crime? More children forced into prostitution? More animals being harmed? More people to die of some wretched illness? More misery? More loneliness? I don't know, I really don't.
I know I'm whinging. And I'm enjoying it. You know what's even better than being in a foul mood? Spreading it!! Haha!!
I should take this time on my hands to sort out my books. I have bought books through the year that I haven't had the time to read. I should be able to finish "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by tomorrow at the latest and then I plan to settle down with "Wuthering Heights". I know, that's quite a change in scenery but I'm like that.
Perhaps I'm a serial bookiser. You know how there are people who flirt from one person to another? Well, the difference is that I love my books. Every single one.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The mind is an abstraction

It has been a long day. It started off with my having to consistently walk behind people who chose to take up the entire path. I don't get that. I just don't. It's terribly annoying and really gets on my nerves. And somehow "excuse me" just doesn't cut it with them.
And then I got into the train. Isn't it really funny how every person in the train (well, almost every one) looks like a terrified little bunny being dragged to the slaughterhouse? Not that that would be funny if one was talking of real bunnies indeed because that would just be very sad. But why do people look so scared when a person stands at the doors and looks into the train? Where does it say that when you stand in the train, you must only look down or outside but never into the train and God forbid, even smile???
I was just watching tv again. Zee was repeating the finals yet again. Well, I still think that Sharib and Bonjoytsna should have won. They are heaps better.
My little niece has just smsed me to tell me that her front tooth in the bottom row has just fallen out. It's her first one and it's happened before her twin's got the chance to lose any. So he's very very cross right now. She's thrilled about it and has instructed me to tell everyone I know about it. She's such a delight. Actually, they both are. I also have three other nephews who say the craziest things things sometimes. They are so funny.
Okay, I shall need to rest now. Goodnight all. I shall set up my poetry blog tomorrow. Yes, the torture awaits...

Friday, December 22, 2006

Funniest video

I was watching MTV again today and I nearly fell off my chair laughing when I saw Donny Osmond doing the geekiest dance ever. If you're clueless about which video I'm talking about, it's Weird Al's "White & Nerdy". Watch it, it's hilarious. It's even funnier than "Smells Like Nirvana".

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's getting late

I have a really pathetic life. I smsed my sister yesterday and I think she must have fallen off the chair laughing when she read it. You see, I was watching MTV whilst having tea. There was this video by Il Divo. Those guys are so cute, aren't they? Who cares what they're singing about! They are just so cute. Anyway, after that video was one with Clay Aiken in it. I think I've been off the dating scene for too long. I think Clay looks hot. I mean, he does look incredibly better than he did when he first auditioned for American Idol. Nevertheless, my love live is really absolutely positively non-existant.
But then again, I can't really think of anyone I'd like to go out with. Does it matter at the end of the day? I mean, I do have lots more fun reading my books than I ever do being in conversation with someone. Perhaps that's my problem. It's just that books are a lot more interesting and stable. You always know where you stand with a book.
I watched The Road Runner Show this morning. I wonder how many other people still laugh out loud at cartoons. I introduced my Dad to I.R. Babboon this arvo. It was nice to see him laugh. Maybe I'll be able to catch Johnny Bravo now. Goodnight all. Kisses...

Prayer for Grandma

I have just returned from the temple after the Athma Shanti pooja for my Grandma. I was very sad this afternoon because the prayers tonight are the last for my Grandma after her passing. I still miss her very very much. I just wish I could give her one more hug and she could squeeze my cheeks one more time and knock my glasses off my nose. She was very cheeky and always made me smile.

I miss my Naughty Pati. She was so cool. She had real tattoos! On both arms! She got them when she was quite young. Apparently, she earned the wrath of her dad when he eventually found about about the tattoos. Well, I think my mum would flip if I ever got tattoos! It's just as well that I wouldn't want tattoos on my body in the first place.

Rest in peace, Granny. I love you lots. Thank you for loving me.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Isn't it sad when someone passes on? Especially when it's someone who's brought laughter to millions? I still love watching The Flintstones, Tom and Jerry and Scooby Doo. Sometimes when it's late at night and I get lonely, I turn on the cartoon channels and hope that they're showing some old classic. I don't like the new ones. I still laugh at Wile E. Coyote. He's either really dumb or a forerunner to Nike's slogan. Bring back the old cartoons. Please.
And may all the cartoonists of long ago rest in peace.

That annoying song

I'm watching Zee tv now and they're showing a music video of that really annoying song. It's the one where this guy keeps singing out my middle name. Usually I hear my first name being used in songs but this one never fails to make me cringe. Nails on a blackboard sound better.

The answer is 42...

I have had a truly hard time since I last wrote here. I had the misfortune of seeing someone very close and dear to me be very ill over the weekend and it scared me that she would never be better. I guess it is at that point that one realises how fragile life really is. Isn't it almost funny how life never fails to give us blows beneath the belt?

And so I've been seriously stuffing my face with copius amounts of butter cookies. Tonight I feel like fruit cake. My sis told me yesterday about this absolutely fantabulous cake that she had baked. It seems though that it has mysteriously disappeared. Methinks me nephews had something to do with that...

I finally finished that book. No, I shan't tell you whether the little girl had indeed be speaking to God. That's something you need to discover for yourself only by reading the book. I found out from someone that strange things happen when you least expect them to. I wonder though whether God needs anti-depressants seeing the mess human beings have created on this planet. I think some of us should never have come down from the trees.

I am rereading "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". That's a book that never fails to cheer me up. I remember reading it in Brisbane, having borrowed it and the rest of Adam's books from my then-landlord, the Robert Plant fan. If you haven't read it, you should.

I am considering setting up another blog for my poetry. No, it's not as bad as Vogon poetry - not even by a long shot! But I have second thoughts (about setting up the blog and not the standard of my poetry) because I don't want some oddball out in cyberspace lifting my poems and saying it's his/hers. So, if you want to read my poetry and not compare it with Vogon poetry, email me and let me know. If I'm in a good mood, I'll send a poem off to you.

Okay, fruit cake time!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Butter cookies

I think I shall have to be really strict with myself and restrict myself to no more than one cookie a day. I had six! I couldn't help it! :p I have been good for quite a while; several months, in fact. It's just that for some reason, I just couldn't stop myself tonight.

Anyway, I have decided that I shall have to get back to exercising. I have made up my mind. I just have to stick with it. I could do it earlier this year so I don't see why I can't go back to it. Okay, here's a promise. Ten sit-ups by the middle of January. Let's see, that could pose a problem but then again, that's my problem to deal with. So, if you're reading this, remember to tap me on the shoulder on January 15th of next year and make me do ten sit-ups.

Lazy Saturday

It has been a lazy, lazy, lazy Saturday for me. I spent a good part of last night curled up in bed with my book. It's called "Keeping Faith" and it's by Jodi Picoult. It is a really good book. I had to tear myself from it at about 1.30am. In the dead of the night, my mind just kept going on and on, thinking about the story.

The story is about a little child who speaks to God. The thing is that not everyone thinks she's really seeing God. Or rather the God they know. It's really good. I'm about three-quarters through the book so I'm planning to finish it tonight. I don't like finishing a good book though for I then suffer from withdrawal pangs. I read another of her books a couple of months ago and I remember thinking that the story would just continue in some other book. Or rather, I wished it would have. That book, by the way, is "My Sister's Keeper". I won't spoil your fun and tell you what it's about.

Nevertheless, it's really nice to be lost in a good book. My sister had been telling me so much about these books (she's got the entire series) and when she voluntarily allowed me to borrow them (without my having to beg) I thought I had struck gold. Actually I did. This lady Picoult is able to create characters who are so realistic. That's nice. It's almost as though she's writing about your next-door neighbour.

There was another book I had read a few months ago that was thoroughly enjoyable. It's by the woman who wrote "Mistress of Spices". This one was about two cousins who grow up in Calcutta. It's quite funny and sad at times. I read it over the weekend and when I was done with it, I felt like I had just had a conversation with my best friend.

Talking about my best friend, she reads more than I do. She's real smart and has gone back to uni for a second degree. And the best thing is that her present studies require her to read so many many many books every single week. How lucky is she????

I am going to stalk the Kitchen Goddess now and get some butter cookies. I absolutely love butter cookies. Yes, I know they're terribly sinful to have at night, but I'm human!

Okay, talk to you later!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Loooong day

This has been an extremely long day, for some reason. I can't really figure out why I'm so tired today.

I had the pleasure of having lunch with my Girl Guide mistress today. She finally remembered me. I guess there is only so much one could forget of a noisy student who couldn't keep still. :)
I had a nice chat with her and it was nice to speak to a former teacher. It made me think of my little French boy. He's now a teenager but it so sweet that he still remembers me. I guess one tends to keep their teachers, especially their special ones, close at heart. Which reminds me, I must call my sociology lecturer next week. She's a gem.

I had a very nice surprise this afternoon. I was up in the office doing some work and my boss came over with some milk and a cream cookie for me (there goes all hope of my losing some weight...), oh and a grin, too. It got me thinking of how my former partner (aka turdbreath, greek non-god, dufus) used to do that everytime I was studying. That put me into a foul mood for just a second. I told myself that it's nice that this time around it was a friend who is sincere and kind who did it. So I enjoyed the cookie and milk!

Something strange is going on in my room. Everytime I walk into the room, the fan is turning round and round. What's so strange about that? Well, simply because I keep on switching it off!! Spooky...

Okay, the battery is beginning to run low on the lap top and so I'll sign off now.

Take care people. Hugs and kisses!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

New blog

I have just set up my new blog. I'll need to take some photos of my designs and put them up ever there. I think that's going to take a couple of days. Or it might take a couple of hours. But I'm just too lazy right now to get the camera and the wires out.

Vegetarian food

So how has everyone been? It's beeen a while since I logged on to write here. It's been a hectic week and I finally got the chance to have a bit of a rest this arvo. But then again, I almost passed out... let me tell you why.

I went to the Damn Bloody Stupid place today. Was the queue never-ending! I thought it'd be good if I got out of the place by the end of the week. Well, my mum and I needed to have lunch soon after so we set off on our little adventure.

Hmmmmph! Everywhere we found vegetarian food, there were suspicious-looking dishes. I don't get this but why do vegetarian stalls feel compelled to make food look like meat? I mean, it doesn't work the other way. I've yet to find a place that does meat to look like vegetables. Can't the vegetables and tofu just remain as they are?

Anyway, after I had lunch, I came back home to have a nap. I'm not sure if a 2-hour snooze qualifies as a nap but I was dead tired. When I got up, I saw spots all over. It was quite scary. I guess I've reacted to the annoying msg. Again.

It's going to be a long day at work tomorrow. I should get some more rest. But I'm pretty tempted to make another necklace tonight. I've made 3 sets so far this week. One is for a young chappie who walked into the shop a couple of days ago. My mates think the necklace looks cool.

Oh, I recognised my Girl Guide mistress from my secondary school days. She didn't recall who I was but I don't blame her. I look very different from the teenager I was. Nevertheless it's quite shocking to see someone after more than 2 decades and realise that they still look like their photos in the old school mag!

Okay beautiful people, I shall love you and leave you. I am contemplating setting up a separate blog to sell my designs. If I have time tonight, I shall get down to setting it up.


Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Pink mind games

Haha! I have a pink blog now!!


And so this a new day. I went back to work today and it was good to be able to do that. Oh, someone walked into the shop today and bought one of my pieces. Isn't that cool? So someone is going to be walking around Newcastle wearing one of my creations... :) That just makes me smile.
I was just watching tv whilst having dinner. I think Dewey is so funny.
I miss my grandma a lot. I was thinking of her fabulous smile today on my way back home in the bus. I also thought of her yummy fruit cake which I won't get to taste again till I get to Heaven. My granny was such a fantastic cook. She gave me her biscuit press earlier this year. I was very surprised when she gave it to me. She told me that my granddad had bought that for her years ago. Well, considering my grandpa passed away almost 20 years ago, that was a very long time ago. I will bake some biscuits for her greatgrandchildren so that they will always remember her too.
Can I get this post in colour? I'm going to try and figure out if I can do that.