Thursday, December 21, 2006

Prayer for Grandma

I have just returned from the temple after the Athma Shanti pooja for my Grandma. I was very sad this afternoon because the prayers tonight are the last for my Grandma after her passing. I still miss her very very much. I just wish I could give her one more hug and she could squeeze my cheeks one more time and knock my glasses off my nose. She was very cheeky and always made me smile.

I miss my Naughty Pati. She was so cool. She had real tattoos! On both arms! She got them when she was quite young. Apparently, she earned the wrath of her dad when he eventually found about about the tattoos. Well, I think my mum would flip if I ever got tattoos! It's just as well that I wouldn't want tattoos on my body in the first place.

Rest in peace, Granny. I love you lots. Thank you for loving me.

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